A secure but nasty Google regulation requires Android 11+ users to move files to the [Android/data/com.dokutajigokusai.xxxxx/files/] folder.
You can also download the old regulation apk from here and install it manually.
Version 24/03/26 for Android 2.3+(without GamePad support)
Version 24/03/26 for Android 4.0+
Version 24/03/26 for Android 5.0+(same on PlayStore)
Version 23/03/05 for Android 2.3+
Version 23/03/05 for Android 4.4+(same on PlayStore)
Version 23/03/05 for Android 2.3+
Version 23/03/05 for Android 4.4+(same on PlayStore)
Version 23/03/05 for Android 4.4+(same on PlayStore)